San Diego, CA - Motorcyclist Dead, Woman Hurt in Crash on Camino Del Rio
Aug 28 2024 0

San Diego, CA – Motorcyclist Dead, Woman Hurt in Crash on Camino Del Rio

San Diego, CA (August 28, 2024) – A man was killed, and a woman suffered life-threatening injuries over the weekend when their motorcycle collided with an SUV that attempted to make a U-turn in front of them, according to officers who released further details connected with the crash on Monday.

Per San Diego police Officer J. Perales, the crash was reported around 4:15 p.m. Saturday in the 4100 block of Camino Del Rio North. A 59-year-old man was driving a 2021 BMW G310 motorcycle with a 55-year-old woman passenger eastbound on Camino Del Rio North in the left lane when a 60-year-old man driving a 2015 Subaru Outback in the same direction in the right lane tried to make a U-turn across the median and turned directly in front of the motorcycle, which the Subaru hit.

The motorcycle driver was pronounced dead at the scene, and the woman suffered a fractured pelvis, fractured leg, and collapsed lung, Perales added. The crash was under investigation, but alcohol was not believed to be a factor, the officer said. No further information was immediately available, though an investigation is still ongoing at this time.

If you’ve lost a loved one in a preventable car crash, our San Diego wrongful death lawyers at Leiva Law Firm are available to help you and yours today.

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