All businesses must comply with their own state-specific and federal laws. One well-known federal regulation is that of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This law was enacted to provide safeguards for discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Another familiar federal regulation is the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA). COPPA is a protective regulation for children that are under the age of 13. If a website or online service knows that they are collecting information from these young children, there are certain requirements that must be followed.
While there are several regulations and laws that most business owners or prospective business owners are aware of throughout the course of operations, there may be others that are not as well known but still need to be followed. It is imperative to know all the laws that apply to your business so that your company can operate lawfully and avoid the many costly legal challenges that generally arise in the wake of violations.
Keeping Current with the Law
Doing your research and taking the time to look into your industry and the laws that apply before going into business can keep you from having to deal with frustrating hardships and legal troubles in the future. Laws change all the time, though. So, even if you started out without having to follow some specific stipulation, during the course of doing business, this could change, and you will have to adjust accordingly. Usually, smaller companies do not have as large of a burden following various rules and regulations as bigger enterprises, but that does not mean that a small business is free from operating under government guidance.
Taking the time to see if any of the laws in the list below applies to your company can be a worthwhile use of time.
Communications Decency Act
This law was passed to protect minors from being exposed to indecent content.
California Civil Code 1798.29 and .80
Essentially, if a data breach takes place businesses must inform individuals in California who were affected.
California Transparency in Supply Chain Act
This law makes certain businesses show that their policies and practices do not involve any type of slavery or human trafficking.
If your business fails to comply with a specific regulation, serious punishments and repercussions can follow even if you were unaware that you were violating any laws. This is why it is imperative that you are up-to-date and knowledgeable about what requirements your business must adhere to.
Speak with an Attorney at Leiva Law Today
Legal suits can be extremely lengthy and incredibly expensive. This not only takes crucial time away from running a business but also vital funding. If you are a business that has run into a legal challenge, having it worked out for the least amount of money in the least amount of time is absolutely imperative.
The seasoned and experienced Los Angeles business litigation attorney at the Leiva Law Firm can provide assistance. For more information, you can call today to schedule a free consultation at (818) 519-4465.