Tustin, CA - Woman Rescued, Hospitalized in Walnut Ave Crash
Oct 21 2023 0

Tustin, CA – Woman Rescued, Hospitalized in Walnut Ave Crash

Tustin, CA (October 21, 2023) – Early on Saturday, firefighters rescued a woman who had been trapped in her car following a collision.

The crash was reported at about midnight on Walnut Avenue, close to Cherrywood Lane.

When police arrived, they found a single white Ford Edge that had collided with a median after the initial accident and was severely damaged. Firefighters worked for around 10 minutes to extricate the female driver from the wreckage.

The woman was taken by ambulance to the nearest trauma hospital, where a police officer accompanied her.

The police are looking into the possible causes of the crash and did not say how many victims were involved in the incident. An investigation remains ongoing at this time.

If you’ve been hurt in a local accident, our Tustin personal injury attorneys at Leiva Law Firm are ready to review the facts of your case today.

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