How Does an Alternative Dispute Resolution Work?
When parties make business agreements, disputes relating to those agreements can result in serious demands being made. One party may threaten to take legal action in order to possibly provide ...
Requirements for California Breach of Contract Lawsuits
The contract is the fundamental agreement that businesses of all sizes rely on in how they conduct their daily operations. Contracts are legal sources of the fundamental responsibilities of multiple ...
Common Kinds of Intellectual Property Disputes in California
As the California Department of General Services (DGS) notes, intellectual property is the legal term for “creations of the mind.” Such creations can include ideas, inventions, or processes. Intellectual property ...
Was it Legal or Illegal For My Employer to Deny Me Healthcare?
You hear your friends and family members say many things that they love about their jobs. Perhaps their jobs give them freedom so that, throughout the day, they can try ...
Ways That You Can Keep Your Business Disputes Out of Court
At the Leiva Law Firm, we believe that some cases can be handled outside of court, especially when you are litigating business matters. Not every case must end in an ...
Is There Any Way to Avoid the Probate Process Altogether?
What is the probate process? Many people assume that, no matter what, the probate process is going to turn into a long, complex, expensive process that puts people at each ...
How Do I Know if Bad Faith By the Insurance Company Has Occurred?
Why do you pay into your insurance policy? You know that, in your time of need, the insurance company will help you if you experience an accident and are left ...
Understanding When a Company Has Used Bad Faith Insurance Tactics
When you have been injured, you know that it is a long, arduous journey as you struggle with the remnants of the injury – from months or years down the ...
The Complexities Involved When You Sue a Business
The complexities when you sue a business can be far more involved than when you sue an individual person. Typically, when you sue an individual, you know their name and ...
When the Bill Collectors come calling…
Are you dreading every time the phone rings worried it is an unkind voice advising you that they are calling to collect a debt you owe? Are you getting calls ...