Los Angeles, CA - Bicyclist Dies in Hit-and-Run at 117th St
Oct 23 2023 0

Los Angeles, CA – Bicyclist Dies in Hit-and-Run at 117th St

Los Angeles, CA (October 23, 2023) – A hit-and-run that ended in one fatality occurred in South Los Angeles on Monday, October 23, per local authorities.

A pedestrian was fatally injured and the suspect car reportedly fled the scene. The Los Angeles Police Department is looking for a suspect in a blue and white Chevrolet van from 1991.

Several blocks after being hit by the driver, the victim was discovered at the corner of 117th Street and Broadway

The victim, who was on a bicycle when they were hit, remains unidentified at this time. An investigation is ongoing.

If you’ve been injured or lost your loved one in an accident, contact our Los Angeles pedestrian accident attorneys at Leiva Law Firm to learn more about your options at this time.

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